Sell trademarks MISAKO Trademarks have been registered with the Department of Intellectual Property in Thailand. Trademarks are ready to use, ready to transfer, or if you want to register more in other categories, you can register more.
Status: Registered
Ready to use
Ready to transfer
Registered Category 3 cosmetics
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Trademarks can be traded like general property trades. Trademark trading must be done in accordance with the law, which means that the trade or transfer of trademark rights must be registered with the registrar. You can file a trademark registration application or trademark transfer application at the Department of Intellectual Property.
Trademarks are considered intangible assets. When they are considered assets, they can be traded and transferred. Therefore, we can sell trademarks to others.
When a trademark is newly registered, it will take 8-18 months to consider. When registered, it has a 10-year protection period and can be renewed every 10 years.
Purchasing a trademark means you don’t have to wait for the results of the consideration for 8-18 months.
Ready to transfer, ready to use
Trademarks are very important to brands, both in creating awareness and recognition for consumers, as well as helping consumers differentiate products or services.
Registering a trademark is another important tool that helps protect our logo or brand name. From being copied or infringed, but on the other hand, unregistered trademarks may face higher difficulties in protecting logos or symbols from being infringed.
A trademark is a mark, symbol, image, logo or call that we use with goods or services to help consumers distinguish the products or services.